segunda-feira, maio 09, 2005

why does it do that?

disenchantment, I mean. It is probably one of ugliest things to be felt, when somebody realizes that there are no drive in him to challenge and make someone else walk the extra is madness in you if it concerns anyone you love, it's half way to lunacy, if you concede yourself the hope to believe that it might be different that you thought, at first.

but no. it's the same'o same'o.
there are many things that might be taken for granted and, unfortunately, human beings are included. poor souls. yup. poor souls.

the heart beat stops if it sees the ordinary that as become to another. if it sees the lesser, but reasonable solution that represents to another: it's not the ideal way, not best way, not the best of the existing, but the best available.dammed it. and bury the heart, 'cause noon-e deserves the life that follows.
Funny, it looks a little contradictory to what has been written before, but it's the last drop in the empty cup: the one that didn't dare to come out and disguised itself as a foreign language to speak up, out loud. it doesn't hurt the same.

But still, it is the true that i feel.

and it stabs the soul like hell.

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